Food Tip: Why Do Japanese Consume 30 Different Foods a Day

Food on 11 Apr, 2017

Food Tip: Why Do Japanese Consume 30 Different Foods a Day

Your new year resolution is to have a fit and healthy body but you have not started yet? We are here to give you food tip to help you achieve your resolution!

Japan stuck to their secret diet of consuming 30 different foods a day. The statistic in Japan confirmed that the diet gave them the lowest obesity rate of 5% in the developed world. Rate of diabetes in Japan is 2.4 per 100,000 and heart disease rates are 31.2 per 100,000, which is low as compared to countries like the UK.

However, till the heyday of Japanese boom-times in 1970 to 1990. Huge varieties of Western foods were available, changing Japanese diet whereby they consume more cheese, foie gras, and alcohol. Although the change gave them a better tasting food, it came with a hefty price by bringing huge risks. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity became more widespread in the country and this is when the Japanese attempted to bring the diet back.

Back to the main topic, 30 may seem like a huge and unachievable amount but it is actually achievable and extremely beneficial for the body. There is a total of 5 food categories and they give different nutritional properties. Hence, balancing these 5 food categories will ensure that you receive the maximum benefits!

#1: Meat, Fish, Poultry, Egg and Tofu Products

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Filled with proteins, they are essential to:

  • Keep your energy level up
  • Blood sugar level stable
  • Promote heart health
  • Slow aging and longevity
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Other than that, proteins make you feel full for a long time…

Japanese women think that boiled fish is an important part of their diet as they are healthy. Fish contains both Omega 3, proteins and has low calories, giving slender physique without the fear of gaining weight from the consumption of fish.

#2: Milk and Diary Products

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Milk and diary products are high in calcium, vitamin D, proteins and other essential nutrients and they help to:

  • Build and maintain strong bones
  • Proper functioning of heart, muscles, and nerves
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Some studies suggest that calcium with vitamin D benefits way beyond bone health, whereby it helps to avoid cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Milk products like yogurt contain probiotics that have an array of benefits too, such as enhancing the good bacteria in the gut, improving health and reducing the risk of diseases.

#3: Vegetables and Fruits

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Fruits and vegetables have many vitamins and minerals, giving numerous health benefits that it is pretty similar to the benefits of green and yellow vegetables.

  • Protect against heart disease and certain type of cancers
  • Lower heart pressure
  • Decrease bone loss
  • Helps to lower calorie intake

Japanese women will never leave fruits and vegetables out of their diet as they are high in antioxidants and help Japanese women to have a beautiful skin and a healthy body.

#4: Grains, Potato, Bread, Cakes and Cookies

With carbohydrates, your body will always have energy! Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, providing fuel to our brain, kidneys, heart, muscles and central nervous system. Other than that, it has these benefits too:

  • Aids in digestion
  • Help us to feel full, just like protein!
  • Keeping our blood cholesterol levels in check
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Eating bread give you lots of carbohydrates!

#5: Cooking Oil, Nut, and Seeds

There are “good” and the “bad” fats. Good fats come from food such as unrefined animal fats, fat from fish, avocado, olive, nuts, tropical oils. These “good” fats have a high proportion of saturated and monounsaturated fats, together with omega-3s. People tend to have this thinking that fats will cause weight gain, however, there are huge benefits from consuming them!

  • Better cholesterol ratio
  • Gives stronger bones and reduce risk of osteoporosis
  • Better body composition
  • Better skin and eye health

Now, let’s all stop thinking that fats are bad for the body and start taking notes of the benefits it has!

Food Tip on How to Eat 30 Different Foods a Day in Singapore

  • Increase the number of greens consumed – think about where you can add in more vegetables e.g. salad or soup
  • Wide variety of food in your breakfast – milk, whole grains, nuts, yogurt
  • Drink different types of drink – fruit or vegetable juice, green tea, milk, yogurt drinks
  • Get some snacks – kale chips, different nuts, or even potato chips if you have a strong craving for it!
  • Always remember to get fruits along with your meal
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  • And now… the realest and best food tip – to have Economy Rice, known as Cai Png from morning to night!

We hope our food tip can motivate and help you in wanting to eat healthily!

Do you think you are determined enough to eat 30 different foods per day, from the 5 different food categories, just to achieve a healthy body?